A. Yes, we ship worldwide, with every country included. Please review the shipping rates below. While some products may not be available for delivery to your country, you can always confirm this during checkout. Orders are shipped from our partnered warehouses and factories in the UK, US, and China.
Country | Shipping time | Shipping cost |
UK*, USA, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands | 4-9 days | UK Free Shipping, USA £6.99, France £4, Other countries £3 |
Canada | 7-9 days | £5 |
Poland | 1-2 weeks | £5 |
Romania | 6-12 days | £4 |
Greece | 6-12 days | £4 |
Sweden | 1-2 weeks | £4 |
Australia | 1-2 weeks | £4 |
India | 1-2 weeks | £7 |
Pakistan | 2-4 weeks | £7 |
Iraq | 2-3 weeks | £10 |
Iran | 3-5 weeks | £7 |
Spain | 5-10 days | £4 |
Finland | 1-2 weeks | £4 |
Russia | 2-3 weeks | £7 |
Japan | 3-6 days | £3 |
Czech Republic | 1-3 weeks | £7 |
Turkey | 2-3 weeks | £10 |
Egypt | 2-4 weeks | £7 |
Saudi Arabia | 1-3 weeks | £10 |
Qatar | 2-4 weeks | £7 |
Other | 1-3 weeks | £7 |
*Shipping will be charged for certain products, such as electronics.
Q. How long does shipping take?
A. Orders take 2–5 days to process before shipping. Delivery times vary by country. We offer fast shipping for the UK, US, and EU (4–9 days). Please refer to the table above to find your country.
Q. How long will it take to receive a tracking number?
A. You’ll receive it within 2–5 business days.
Q. Where can I place an order from?
A.You can place an order from any country—we ship worldwide!
Q. Where is you company located?
A. Our office is based in England, and our warehouses are located in the US, UK, and China.
Q. Which currency will I be charged in?
A. We process all orders in British Pound Sterling (GBP), but the amount will be converted to your native currency at checkout. You can also select your preferred currency before browsing products by visiting the footer of the website.
Q. Will I receive a confirmation number when I place my order?
A. Yes, all customers receive a confirmation email after placing their orders. Please contact us if you don't receive one within 24 hours.
Q. Who can I contact if I have a problem with my order?
A. For assistance, please email us at: larshaircare@gmail.com.
Q. How can I pay?
A. We accept all major credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex, as well as PayPal and Stripe.
Q. Is Checkout on this site safe and secure?
A. Yes, the checkout process is completely safe and secure!
Q. If I enter my email address will you sell my information?
A. We do not sell customer information. Emails are used solely for follow-up messages and promotional purposes.
Q. Will I have to pay customs?
A. For most countries, you won’t have to pay customs fees, but this depends on your location and whether you order more than one item.